I love birthday parties. I've looked forward to being a Mummy all my life so I can have fun creating birthday parties for my little people. My big boy turned 3 in February this year and after much deliberation, a pirate party was decided upon. I won't lie, I was more than delighted that the Pirate party pipped the Peppa Pig party at the post (say that fast)!! Master N and I sat down together and planned his party. He decided who he wanted to invite and after a few shouts of 'Aye aye Cap'tn ship!' and 'Arrrrgh' we set to work. It was a lot of fun.
We made a cardboard box pirate ship.
Most of the boxes were saved from our trampoline delivery at Christmas, and the box Master S's cot came in and then we put it together with box rivets, that I bought online at www.mrmcgroovy.com It only took about an hour for 2 of us to do. I didn't have a pattern or a blue print, it sort of just came together and I stopped when it looked the way I imagined it would in my head. I cut the holes in with a stanley knife and painted on the anchor, mermaid figurehead and windows. The birthday boy is always saying 'Mummy's a mermaid!!!!!' hence the figurehead choice. The sail was 2 meters of Ikea fabric, bulldog clipped to a crossed piece of dowel, which was held up in an umbrella stand. The crows nest was an old plastic bucket with a hole cut in the bottom and the bunting I made for N's first birthday party. I found the bit of fish net underneath the house, it was left over from a failed gardening project from a few years ago.
I bought these gorgeous little 150ml Ball Mason jars through my co-op, the tiny milk bottles are recycled - that's what our Ivyholme Organic Dairy pouring cream comes in and the large bottles are recycled Ivyholme milk bottles. I made 'pink lemonade' which was actually more raspberry cordial, with frozen raspberries, sugar and water whizzed up in the Thermo and strained through a nutmilk bag and then some iced tea for the grown ups.
I found all these bits of scrap wood on the ground under the saw while my husband was working on making garden edges, I thought they would make a great sign, so he whipped one up for me (begrudgingly, he thinks I'm a total pain when it comes to birthday party requests!) I just pained the wood with acrylics - it was very easy and effective.
No pirate party is complete without a giant pirate ship cake. I'm not going to lie I had a great time putting this together!
I try to make party food a mixture of naughty and nice. So we had watermelon slices, fruit salad boats, homemade dips with veggie sticks, mini chocolate 'ship' cupcakes, pirate bananas Arrrgh!, iced sugar cookies (recipe is on my blog!), fairy bread and homemade sausage rolls.
Fruit salad ships
Iced pirate themed sugar cookies
I have a sneaking suspicion that next year a superhero party could be on the agenda.....
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